Wednesday, February 13, 2013

George reading chapter books

When I brought George home after preschool to homeschool him, he was just beginning to read.  He recognized a few sight words and could look at pictures to predict what the text was saying.  Today was one of those days at school where I looked at my middle child in awe of all that he has accomplished in less than a year.  I am so grateful that God has given our family the opportunity to homeschool.  I am so proud of George not only for how well he is reading, but for his budding character, eagerness to learn, willingness to try new things, energetic personality, and overall happy demeanor.  I am so in love with this little boy and thrilled I get to be his momma and teacher. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

for King and Country

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Little pink flowers

The kids and I took some time out of our day to plant a few flowers.  Nothing big, just some random little pink flowers that they thought were nice for the front yard.  I love how interested they each were about small details like picking them out or the spot to plant them.  It made the experience more fun.   How precious too when the middle and little went to the sand box to grab their shovels.  What a treasure this time was for me. 

Friday, April 6, 2012

Touches of change

 Matching jammies :)
Joshua's first attempt at free hand.

Grandpa makes a visit.


Last day of Classical Conversations
 It's party time!
Friends from class.....

Little George signing his Bible memory work.
 It's March, how crazy.
We go to the beach pretty often throughout the winter, now we are just finally wearing swim suits!
 No training wheels!

Easter hunts with dear friends.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Wow....from August!

So a huge chunk of time has gone by from the last time I posted.  Our little family has been busy homeschooling, putting our house on the market, playing flag football, going to our first Hokie game as a family, beginning the basketball season, losing teeth, growing more teeth, spending time with friends and family, traveling to Colorado, witnessing a marriage, celebrating birthdays, enjoying Thanksgiving, and now preparing for this Christmas season.  I wish I could  say I have been able to document each special moment or saying, but life has presented a few twists and turns along the way, and so at times navigating through each day is what seemed essential.  Pictures should help tell our story.  The children are growing so fast. I'm loving each new season.

Rockey Mountains, Boulder, CO


His love for her is breathtaking.

Oskar Blues, Longmont, CO

Who knew George had an artistic eye:) Dinosaur Ridge, CO

First day of home is the best part.

She looked over at me, then crossed her legs.  My sweet gift of a little girl. 

Beauty and the bird. 

What is it about boys and frogs????

Can you stand how cute he is.   I love being his biggest cheerleader. 

7th Birthday.  We share a love for the beach.  My first babe. 

First tooth


My two little guys are under that huge humpback whale kite.

Wrightsville Beach, NC

She was a bit apprehensive about the whole thing.  At times, when the wind would die down, the kites would come really close to the sand...She didn't like that.  Toward the end though she warmed up a bunch.

George's preschool Christmas performance. 

I get to be this little guys momma.  How blessed.

It is so wonderful to witness this unlikely pair.  They have such similar personalities. His arm around her gets me every time.

All three

George's buddy Will- cuties